
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Contributing Process

  1. Install python3.6. You can install it via your system package manager or by using pyenv. Our CI/CD uses python3.6 and we officially support python versions 3.6 and later.

  2. Run the scripts/venv/ script to create a virtual environment and install all the development dependencies.

  3. Verify that you can successfully run the scripts/dev/ script without errors on the current master.

  4. Create a dev/{your_name}/{your_contribution} branch (recommended) from the current master. For example, dev/ruro/fix-task-colors.

  5. Hack away. Please:

    • make small, descriptively named, logically grouped commits (you can interactively rebase them before pushing)

    • minimize meaningless changes in your commits (whitespace changes, changes that revert your previous commits)

    • don’t change files outside of src and tests directories (unless you discussed these changes with us in advance)

    • if your contribution changes setup.cfg or any files in requirements/, carefully read Requirements

    • if your contribution adds any binary or non-human-readable files, carefully read and follow the instructions in the Git LFS section

    • document your code (docstrings, comments)

    • write unit tests for your code (unless you are contributing pure UI code)

    • regularly run scripts/dev/ (at least once before each commit)

    • regularly run scripts/dev/ (at least once before each push)

    Your contribution might be rejected if you don’t follow these requirements. The last 4 bullet points are checked and enforced by CI/CD.

  6. Verify, that the scripts/dev/ still runs without errors. Consider fixing any new warnings, that you might have introduced.

  7. Check if master was updated while you were coding. If it was, perform a git pull --rebase and repeat step 6.

  8. Push your changes to dev/{your_name}/{your_contribution} and open a merge request to master. Carefully fill in the merge request template and wait for your code to be reviewed and for the pipelines to complete. If you did everything correctly, you should see 7 green badges appear in the Badges section of your pull request after the pipeline finishes running.


Most scripts hide the output of the running commands unless an error or warning is encountered. You can force the scripts to always show the command output by setting the VERBOSE environment variable.

Most scripts that generate temporary files, place them into the .out directory.

Many scripts also require the virtual environment to work. You can create the virtual environment by running scripts/venv/ After that you don’t need to activate the virtual environment, the scripts will activate it automatically.

venv scripts

  • initialize the virtual environment and synchronize it with requirements/_txt

  • compile requirements/_txt (see Requirements)

dev scripts

  • Basic operations.

    • remove all generated and temporary files

    • reformat all python code according to project code style

    • run all validation checks used in the project (see Validation)

    • build and validate the python package

    • continuously build and serve the documentation on localhost

  • Resources & SVGs.

    • extract font glyphs and build the resource files

    • svg python scripts for svg generation (run python scripts/dev/svg --help to list commands)

cicd scripts

Although you can manually run some scripts in the cicd directory, you probably shouldn’t as the dev scripts provide better convenience wrappers of the cicd scripts in most cases.


This project uses the following tools to validate the code quality and correctness:

  • Code Style.

    • black

    • isort

    • pylint

  • Test & Coverage.

    • coverage (via pytest-cov)

    • pytest

    • twine (package validation)

  • Documentation.

    • pydocstyle

    • sphinx

Ideally, you shouldn’t need to run these tools manually, as they can automatically be invoked with all the recommended™ options by using the dev scripts.


Some files in this repository (mainly images) are stored using git lfs.

If you cloned the repository and some of the files look like this:

oid sha256:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
size 666

Then you didn’t install or didn’t enable git lfs correctly.

You should git lfs track any binary or large non-human-readable text files before committing them. If you have accidentally committed such files without git lfs tracking them, you will need to rewrite your commit history to fix that.

Please, DO NOT PUSH such commits to the repository even if you don’t plan to open a merge request with them.